Tribute to the Giants of 1940s Bebop: Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious Monk, Kenny Clarke...

The Prague-based international sextet "Bohemia After Dark" is dedicated to authentic arrangements of classics and neglected gems from the golden age of bebop in the 1940s through to the hard bop of the 1950s. Among the jazz giants featured in this concert dedicated to 1940s bebop are Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Fats Navarro, Tadd Dameron, Thelonious Monk, Oscar Pettiford, Kenny Clarke and also the singers Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, Annie Ross and Carmen McRae..



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Contacts and ticket reservation

Narodni 20
Prague 1
110 00
Czech Republic

tel.: +420 737 773 343

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