Singer: Hermes Karel (FR)
Piano: Andrea Mottlová
Guitar: Karel Bartá
Cello: Judita Škodová
Bass: Jakub Antl
Percussion: Radek Nemejc
Choristers: Michaela, Karel Bartá
"Vibes" is a musical show that expresses in a very original way, the complexity of states that the human through his life and trying to accept its imperfections and achieve to be himself. An event all the more original that it will have the particularity of placing the musicians at the heart of the public, thus giving it the sensation (the "vibration") of being the actor of itself in this atypical artistic trip!
Original musical event mixing theater and acoustic concert in an atypical atmosphere directed by Sophie Knittl and Thierry Ottinger (Sound & Light), with songs written and composed by Hermès Karel.